Anchors - Other Products

Helical Anchors
Helical anchors are commonly selected for earth anchoring applications because they are quick to install and can be proof-tested and loaded immediately with no concrete to cure or de-watering of the excavation to deal with. Helical screw anchors are often chosen over traditional anchoring methods such as concrete deadmen or grouted anchors in order to overcome limited accessibility or the presence of a high water table.

U-Shaped Sod Staples
Sod Staples are a great alternative to burying containment system wire and are perfect for use in grassy areas, landscaped areas, or wooded areas. They are also excellent for use with all erosion control blankets for easy, quick installation - no digging required! Wire is typically completely hidden within 7-14 days.

Staple Pro Driver
- Install staples properly leaving a quality installation and safe jobsite behind
- Durable tool for use season after season designed to install staples from soft soils to hard, rocky or even frozen ground
- Save time and labor costs by installing staples every 3-5 seconds, reduce installation time 65% - 75%
- Smart Single Load system means you will spend more time stapling and less time clearing jams
- Ergonomic design reduces workers' compensation claims, keeping employees as productive on Friday as they are on Monday

Pins with Washers
These pins are an excellent way to hold ground cover and landscape fabrics in place during installation. They can also be used to secure erosion control mats in some soft, loose soils. When driving the pin, the washer prevents materials from pulling through.

Sod Pins
Sod pins are another alternative to burying containment system wire - perfect for use in grassy areas, landscaped areas, or wooded areas.