Asphalt Interlayers
Asphalt Interlayer Systems extend the life of new AC pavements and AC overlays. When placed between layers of AC pavement, these systems become an integral part of the roadway section, forming a barrier to water infiltration and absorbing stresses to reduce reflective and fatigue cracking of the new asphalt surface layer.

The GlasGrid® Asphalt Reinforcement System is essentially a grid structure of fiberglass strands coated with an elastomeric polymer that has exceptional high tensile strength and low elasticity. It successfully dissipates vertical crack stresses of a roadway by turning them horizontally when it is laid between the leveling course and the surface course in asphalt overlays. GlasGrid® is one of the strongest glass reinforcement grids made today.
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The GlasPave® mat’s geosynthetic, non-woven, polyester matrix facilitates the binding of asphalt to completely penetrate and fill the voids in the matrix. This design promotes an immediate, durable bond with a variety of asphaltic tack coats. Its waterproofing abilities inhibit the infiltration of surface moisture into the granular layers of a pavement structure and is well-suited to lower volume pavement surfaces.
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PETROMAT® Original
PETROMAT® engineered paving fabrics are used as a moisture barrier and stress absorbing interlayer beneath flexible pavements such as asphalt overlays or a chip seal. No other product provides a better pavement moisture barrier or stress absorbing interlayer to prevent reflective cracking. It is AASHTO/NTPEP compliant and is available in a variety of styles to fit your specific project needs and specifications.
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PETROMAT® Plus-White
PETROMAT® Plus-White paving fabrics minimize tracking and bleed through when using the specified amount of tack coat required to create an effective moisture barrier. This feature eliminates the time and cost of spreading sand to allow construction traffic on the interlayer without damage. Additionally, its solar-reflective properties create a cooler, safer work environment in warm to hot climates. PETROMAT® Plus-White is compliant with AASHTO/NTPEP standards and is available in a variety of styles and widths to fit your specific project needs and specifications.
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Combining innovation and sustainable design, this patent pending technology is engineered to easily mill into small pieces so it can be recycled into reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) and used in new hot mix asphalt (HMA) or warm mix asphalt (WMA). Additionally, Enviro provides unmatched moisture protection for roads while absorbing stress to slow fatigue and reflective cracking in asphalt pavement. But recyclable is only half the story. Enviro is an engineered interlayer solution that outperforms the competition from start to finish.
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PETROTAC® is a self-adhesive paving membrane geotextile designed to protect pavements from moisture damage by providing a stress absorbing interlayer to decrease the development of cracking over time. It is used to treat local pavement distress - including joints and cracks - and as a moisture barrier on bridge decks.
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ACE XP Polymer Fiber™
This is an innovative fiber that extends pavement service life by dramatically improving the dynamic modulus of the asphalt layer and increasing the asphalt's resistance to cracking and rutting (distresses that may cause premature failure). Aramid Fibers are used extensively in many industries and applications including ballistic protection, heat & cut protection, automotive, ropes & cables, conveyor belts, etc. However, it takes a special fiber to withstand the extreme production temperatures of asphalt concrete without changes occurring to the reinforcement properties of the fiber. That is why ACE XP Polymer Fiber™ uses aramid fibers exclusively.

Tack Coats
A tack coat is a thin bituminous liquid asphalt, emulsion or cutback layer applied between HMA pavement lifts to promote bonding. Adequate bonding between construction lifts and especially between the existing road surface and an overlay is critical in order for the completed pavement structure to behave as a single unit and provide adequate strength.

American Road Patch
American Road Patch is a high quality asphalt polymer and fiberglass geosynthetic reinforced patch. It was developed using a unique patented technology and works by embedding into the roadway forming a waterproof seal around the repair. Today’s current road repair methods do not address the cause of the problem - keeping water out. Traditional repair methods use only fills, which are temporary at best. American Road Patch is the solution!