Hard Armor
Whether you are an engineer, architect, designer, or contractor there are projects which require hard armor revetment systems to prevent erosion of soils and subgrades. Industrial Fabrics is a leader in the design and manufacture of these systems.

Shoretec® Articulated Concrete Block
Shoretec® offers the most durable, effective and environmentally-friendly erosion control revetment methods for fighting severe erosion problems. Whether you are an engineer, architect, designer, or contractor there are projects which require hard-armor revetment systems to prevent erosion of soils and sub grades. Shoretec® is a leader in the design and manufacture of these systems. Our articulated concrete block (ACB) system is durable, aesthetic and an environmentally compatible solution at a cost savings of up to 50% when compared to traditional hard armor methods. On sites where access is difficult or where the installation is of an irregular shape, Shoretec® offers an attractive and economical solution.

ShoreFlex® Concrete Rolled Mat
ShoreFlex® eliminates unsightly riprap and non-uniform poured in place concrete. This concrete rolled mat is a permanent erosion prevention system that can be installed to shield channel side slopes and beds, pipe and culvert inlets/outlets, shoreline and almost any place you may have hydraulic erosion protection needs.
ShoreFlex® benefits for ditch applications:
- Grows green - environmentally friendly
- Easy install
- Easy maintenance, capable of being mowed
- Multiple erosion control uses: roadside, canal and ditch lining, landfills, let downs and more
- Performs better than rock

ShoreJax Concrete Armor Units
ShoreJax are a flexible interlocking concrete armor unit available in a variety of sizes. ShoreJax are used to resist the erosive forces generated due to high velocity water. Applications include energy dissipation at the bottom of high velocity channels and spillways, stream bank stabilization due long term degradational erosion, bridge pier scour prevention and velocity reduction at pipe outfalls.

Concrete Canvas™
Geosynthetic cementitious composite mats (GCCM) are a groundbreaking material technology that makes it possible to use concrete on slopes, in water and in other hard-to-reach locations - all without forms or mixing - while only requiring minimal equipment.